It has been Paula’s ambition to one day be a writer since she was a little girl, coming home from school to sit at the table with her notebook and write stories that buzzed around in her head. A prolific reader, she loved nothing better than to spend weekends with a book in her hand. Earliest influences such as Rosemary Sutcliffe, Leon Garfield, Charles Dickens, C.S.Lewis, inspired an interest in history. Unfortunately life got in the way, and it was not until much later in life that she would achieve her lifelong aspiration and write the book she had promised herself she would one day write.

Her début novel, ‘Sons of the Wolf’ was first published with the assistance of SilverWood Books in 2012. More recently it was republished under her own publishing company, Longship Books. It is a story set in the years leading up to the Norman Conquest of England and the first in the Sons of the Wolf series, about this amazing time in English history. Her second novel, The Wolf Banner, has also been published in paperback and kindle and the third, is a WIP, Wolf’s Bane and will be published later this year in 2021.

She has always admired the works of Sharon Penman and Bernard Cornwell, Edith Pargetter and Mary Stewart, amongst many others. History is a great love of hers and her interest in the subject goes beyond that of the keyboard. She also enjoys Anglo-Saxon re-enactment with Regia Anglorum, a great source of research for her writing. Paula says: “Ignore those who say you should write what is trending. Write for yourself first and foremost, for if you don’t enjoy what you write, then you cannot expect others to.

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